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Google's new challenge, chatgpt's search feature

Google’s new challenge, ChatGPT’s search feature

Google's new challenge, chatgpt's search feature
Google’s new challenge, chatgpt’s search feature

ChatGPT, the creator of OpenAI, has recently unveiled a new search feature, seen as a new challenge for search giant Google. ChatGPT authorities are testing a search feature, which will include real-time information on ChatGPT. So that the bot can respond to users’ queries with up-to-date information and links when searching for information. However, this tool is currently available to a limited number of users in the United States. However, technology analysts believe that this tool will eventually become OpenAI’s ChatGPT bot.

After the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, a wave of excitement about AI started around the world. Microsoft-backed OpenAI has since introduced numerous tools including coding, video creation, data analysis and image creation. The company claims that through this new search feature, users will also get various follow-up questions as well as additional information related to the search.

Tech analysts have been arguing for a long time that AI chatbots are the future of searching. Google currently enjoys a monopoly in the search business. As a result, Google is scrambling to add its own AI-powered tools before new challenges arrive.

Other AI companies are also turning to creating different search tools. In this field, Google is leading as an influential player so far. Google’s share of the global market is now more than 90 percent. OpenAI said it is working with publishers including The Atlantic and News Corporation on new search features.

Earlier, OpenAI was uesd by several publishing companies, including the New York Times, for allegedly ‘stealing’ their content for system training. Soon after this, OpenAI also announced a partnership with several outlets, including the Associated Press.