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How much internet speed do you really need?

How Much Internet Speed Do You Really Need?

How much internet speed do you really need?

How Much Internet Speed Do You Really Need?

Normal users are happy just to be able to do their daily work on the internet. But the question is, how much speed internet connection is required for daily work. The FTC has a guideline on that as well. However, the FTC said on that webpage that it is not standard.

At home or in the office

Staying updated every moment or communicating with friends at work or playing video games in leisure time or even watching video content – these days internet is required for all these things. However, depending on the type of work, each person needs a different speed of internet. So it is important to know exactly how many speed packages can work properly while getting internet connection from the service provider.

Gaming and High Quality Streaming

There was a time when internet was not required to play games. But now gaming has many benefits like social media. As well as exchanging messages while playing, multiple players can also talk to each other while playing as a team. Apart from that there are many gamers who also stream high resolution videos on social media while playing games. In addition, high speed internet is required while playing the game. In this case, if you have an internet connection with a speed of 60 megabits per second (MB/s), you can work without any problems. However, if you have 100 MB/s speed internet for video streaming in 4K resolution, you don’t have to worry about it.

Social media and general browsing

Common uses include reading news, using social media or watching videos. Most internet users do these things. But if that’s all you need, you don’t need high speed internet. Usually an internet speed of 5 to 10 MB/s will be sufficient. However, if you have a connection speed of around 10 MB/s, you should not face any problem.

Work from home

Working from home is convenient in some areas but requires a lot of file sharing. Apart from that, you have to participate in video call meetings. In this case, it is wise to have a slightly faster internet connection than normal usage. A 20 MB/s connection should do it. But how many people can work in one connection should be taken into consideration.

On-demand and live streaming

Companies like Netflix or Disney Plus offer on-demand video services. Charki, Bang BD and other companies also provide such services in Bangladesh. A fairly good internet connection is required to view content on these platforms. Besides, an internet connection of approximately 10 to 20 MB/s will be sufficient for video streaming on social media like Facebook, YouTube.

Technology experts recommend checking with your internet service provider to see exactly what is included in their package. However, there are many other things to keep in mind. For example, how many devices are using the same internet connection simultaneously, whether data is being consumed in the background in addition to the main task, etc. Apart from that, a high speed computer is also required if there is a high speed internet connection. Therefore, the ability of the computer is also important to take into account in this case.