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New Android Spyware

New Android Spyware LianSpy Evades Detection by Blocking Security Features

New Android Spyware
New Android Spyware

Cyber ​​security firm Kaspersky has discovered a new type of malware that can bypass the security measures of the Android operating system and collect information from smartphones. According to the company, the malware called LianSpy can secretly enter the smartphone and steal information as well as take screenshots of users’ phone usage. The malware can even collect all phone conversation data and send it to remote cybercriminals.

According to Kaspersky, the LeanSpy malware can bypass Android’s security measures and sneak into smartphone systems. As a result, the malware has been lurking in the phone for years, but not detected by antivirus. As a result, the malware can steal users’ data for years.

When the camera or microphone is turned on in the phone running on Android operating system, the signal can be seen on the indicator. But the LianSpy malware can avoid this privacy indicator. As a result, the malware secretly activates the camera or microphone, but the user does not know about it.

LianSpy malware secretly takes permission to use screen overlays, contacts, notifications, call logs, etc. to stay active in the background of the phone. As a result, it can steal information from apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Chrome, Instagram, Gmail, Skype, Snapchat and Discord.

Source: Indian Express